"SandHill Memories #3" 36"x36"x1.25"  oil on canvas  $5200-
"SandHill Memories #1"   36" x 36" x 1.5"  oil on canvas  $5200-
"Prairie Above" 30"x30"x1.5" oil Available through Alma Gallery, Chicago, IL
"Checkerboard Sky 1"  30"x30" oil on canvas   Available through Alma Gallery, Chicago, IL
"SandHill Memories #2" 36"x36"x1.25" oil on canvas  $5200-
"Emotional Tree"  30"x30"x1.5" Available through Alma Gallery, Chicago. IL
"Golden Marsh"           30"x40" oil/canvas            USD$3250
"Autumn View of Sky"   46"x48" oil on canvas USD$6800-
Trees on the Up Above
"Yellow Dusk"  24"x42"x1.25"  oil on canvas  $4800-
"One and Only" 30"x30"x1.5" oil Available through Alma Gallery, Chicago, IL
"Forest Composition #1" 30"x40"x1.25" oil on canvas $5200-
"A Walk in the Woods"   30"x40" oiloncanvas   USD$2600
"Landfall"  30"x30"x1.25" oil                                      $3600-
"Another Tree"  8"x8" oil on canvas                 $320-
"The Subtle Path"  18"x24"   oil on canvas            $1280-
"Man in the Woods"  oil on canva  16"x20"             $920-
"Grove of Oaks"  11"x14"  oil on canvas            $620-
"Girl in the Field"  16"x20" oil on canvas                $920-
"Crabapples in Blue"  11"x14" oil on canvas             $620-
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