An artist's thoughts on...

My artistic journey is deeply rooted in exploring  the relationship between humans, the natural world and the profound connection between them.

“We are immersed in a field of undifferentiated matter from which our senses gather bits of information…” * serves as a philosophical foundation for me as an observational artist.  Focusing on trees and botanicals, my perception of the world is a selective process, where I filter and interpret the sensory information around me. Often I  unearth patterns in nature.  Some  are obvious and others are hidden.  I like the idea of working on a series where I juxtapose the visible and the concealed.

 I invite viewers to see the world in a new light and appreciate the intricacies and patterns that often go unnoticed.  This perspective, conveying the interplay between humans and the environment, evokes a sense of mindfulness and connection in  viewers and can be a source of inspiration.  Including raising awareness about the importance of preserving natural landscapes.

*The Creative Act: a Way of Being”- Rick Rubin