Where and What

Turn the page. All the pages.
Light a fire. Rethink compensation.
Sing along with Life.
Get a helping hand, give a helping hand.
Remember solitude and solace. Keep calm, all prisoners walk free.

Dance alone or with others. Keep moving your body.
Remember love in the bones, your bones.
Good morning and good evening. Spend all that time dreaming today.
No need to speak. No need to feel like a wild beast.
More gentleness to all, to self.
Thank you, please, appreciate.
Make a sample. Test it, taste it. Adjust, go for it.

Regret nothing, simply pour your memories down the drain.
Like a deep, deep well, they sink through the earthen walls and seep
Into the whole of the earth
They are there but gone.
They support you but tie you down, tether you.
Be like a plant that uses the nutrition from the earth
But always looks up to the sky for sun and rain.
Stay softly in Nature.
Communicate gently.
Fill with wonder.
See the future
Use your imagination.